We have received a ticket from the customer stating that the ShipStation Integration does not send the Shipping charge back to Pressero. I discussed this with our programming team and found that the current version of ShipStation Plugin does not s...
Sumeet Maheshwari
about 4 years ago
in Pressero / API
New Idea
I want to set a default background color for when a customer goes to edit a product, so when they click to edit it, it doesn't come up blank. As of now, if you pick a background color to set it as a default, it won't let customers change it.
Hello, Is it possible to : have the custom fields of a person (Get person by unique id) have the custom fields values of jobs (Get jobs list / Get job details using job id) ? have the validity date (Get job details using job id) Get jobs list by s...
Cascading fields or tabs would make the form on the left so much more user friendly. Right now with some of our bigger templates (brochures) form is way too long and not too user friendly.
Having optional 'Custom Text' field appear only when cho...
Irena Ndum
over 5 years ago
in eDocBuilder
New Idea
Use case:
Site user trying to order an item for $100
Budget $50/mo
An email or alert goes to manager and/or admin requesting an increase to their budget amount
- Approved means the manager or admin changes budget, alert is sent to site us...
I would like to make a "Kit" that people would have the option of ordering, but they would not be able to pick or adjust the contents. However, when they order the kit, all of the items in the kit get removed from inventory. So I want it to look l...
Approval of the entire order directly in the notification.
Sometimes, our approvers wish to validate an entire order.
But they are obliged to do so individually.
It regularly happens that our orders include 40 products, which makes the task very time-consuming.
Right now we have price engines on the right but then there are additional questions the customer needs to fill out so we attach a form to the product , the problem with this is that it create a cluster on the page that is confusing the customer. ...
Ability to Specify A Maximum Number of Items for a Promotion Code
We have clients who have sites where employees can order branded products. Often times they would like to give their clients to order a single item from the site as a gift. It may be from a small selection of items, or any item up to a...
Include Page 1 + Page 2 Previews on an Order Received Email
Our customers order products that have a front and a back. Page 1 is always the front and Page 2 is always the back. We would like the option to have Page 1 and Page 2 show in the Order Confirmation Email so the customer has a reference when the o...
Kelly Mellert
over 5 years ago
in Pressero / Products
New Idea