Currently with the Avalara Sales tax integration, sale tax is only calculated by the order for the state the product is shipping to. The reality is that different product types are taxed differently in different states and the proper way to calculate Sales tax is at the product level. If you spend the money for a system like Avalara this is critical. Pressero need a way to pass a line item sales tax code for various product types so systems like Avalara can calcualate the taxes. Exmaple: Apparel is taxable in most states but not in Minnesota so if a customer buys a shirt and a set of business cards there should be no tax for the shirt and tax on the BCs. A simple tax Code field at the product level would allow us to assign and map those codes to proper codes in Avalara so items are taxed coarrectly. As I understand it currently the Part Number is passed but that means you have to map every Part Number from every product and site to the corisponding tax code in a system like Avalara, very time consuming and a poor approach to the issue.