We have run into the question of when was the last time this specific item was ordered? It would be great to have a tab on the Products to be able to list what order number, the order date, the quantity and even the price that this one specific it...
Mitchelle Hall
over 2 years ago
in Pressero / Products
New Idea
We know Pressero is a safe platform and there's no chance of incorrect data is being placed in a product unless the user types it. But we already had situations involving dishonest users that said they didn't type some information that was printed...
Rush order projected shipping date versus standard shipping projected shipping date
We can add Rush order pricing in our pricing engine, but we cannot make the projected shipping date reflect the projected shipping date for Rush order vs. Standard order. This is a big problem.
It would be great to be able to add a caption to thumbnail images for a product. Then, add a site setting to enable or disable displaying the captions...alternatively it could be disabled with CSS as long as the caption was given a consisten...
Add "partial results" functionality to Pressero site searches
For example, if you search for "soccer tickets", no results come up.
But if you search for "soccer", the three related products with the word in the product title come up. So the site is doing "exact match" search. Even though some products have ...
Kelly Mellert
over 5 years ago
in Pressero / Products
New Idea