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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Ryan Cole
Created on Aug 21, 2024

Allow pdf files to be uploaded for product & category artwork

Currently we can only upload JPEG and PNG files for product and category images. Nearly everything we get is a PDF or gets outputed as a PDF. That means we need to duplicate everything into one of those file formats before we can upload it. It wastes time and space.

  • Attach files
  • Jim Riddles
    Aug 23, 2024

    I don't think this would be a good idea. Unless your expectation is that Aleyant automatically converts the PDF to an image file. Even then, there may be a need add extra features to specify which PDF box size to use for the image boundary. Not all PDFs have all box sizes specified. Would it default to Trim, but if that isn't defined then use the media box? That might not be what someone wants.