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Workspace Pressero
Categories Products
Created by Lisa Thompson
Created on Mar 24, 2021

Add (optional) Tabs in Long Description

Adding features such as tabs in the long description would bring a more contemporary look to the product pages, which ultimately brings about a better user experience to the storefront. Competitors have it, and freshening up skins on a regular basis is something we need to do to remain competitive in the marketplace. See: for some tab effects that can be added by ProServices.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Lisa Thompson
    Mar 29, 2021

    There are many tab designs that can be added by ProServices. For those interested, here is a link to some options:

    I do agree with Jim Riddles' comment: It is relatively painless to do yourself if you know how to code it. I received a request in ProServices for this, therefore I added it to this portal so our developers can have a record of the request and decide whether or not to add it as a standard product feature.

  • Jim Riddles
    Mar 29, 2021

    Just my thoughts on this idea. The long description supports modifying the raw HTML. I would prefer to use my own HTML code to create tabs rather than rely on the pre-supplied tabs provided by Aleyant. Although I realize that not all subscribers have the knowledge in-house to achieve this, it should be relatively painless to achieve the results you are looking for with the current setup.