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Workspace Pressero
Categories API Products
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 13, 2020
Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit PRESSERO-I-198 Import Product data to catalog.

Product Import/Export Merged

I have to be honest with you, we've been researching alternatives to Pressero because it's a bit ludacris that we have to pay so much for a product import when most sites offer this feature for free just like how I'm able to export and import users from Pressero on my own. What happens when we have a client that has consistently large product changes needing to import or remove more items (these are usually on a 1k+ scale as they are selling nails/screws/etc. - each with their own product page). We will have to pay upwards of $3k again for something as simple as uploading a sheet that *I* the client put all the hard work into? That's the other thing. The service would be much more valuable if Pressero at least put all the hard work into it but no. I have to do everything, hand off the finished sheet to Pressero and then you guys just import it easy peasy. A bit ridiculous if you can see it from my point of view. Is there really nothing you guys can do for us to alleviate this gross flaw in your system. We would like to remain clients, but if we cannot easily import/export products that is a huge red flag for us as we are looking to grow and add more large clients, this current system would definitely hold our growth back.


Having a feature similar to importing/exporting users but for products would be very much appreciated. Also, the ability to at least add 3 additional photos to the products when you do an import.

  • Lisa Thompson
    Feb 13, 2020

    Would love to see a product import feature in Pressero, along with the ability to import more than 1 photo with the import.