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adding a form/survey to emails

I'd like the ability to add a form/survey to emails. This goes along with the idea of having better capabilities to customize the outgoing emails, both the email designer and the tiered email suggestions that I have asked for in the past.
Jennifer Thomas 9 months ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Customize Orders List View

Hide columns, add other items (delivery adress for exemple)
Guest about 3 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 2 New Idea

'PO Number' data in PDF delivery note

It would be interesting if the PDF delivery note contained the PO Number data. Customers refer to their PO numbers and not to those generated by PJM.
Thomas Barbier almost 4 years ago in PrintJobManager / Jobs 0 New Idea

Ability to Duplicate Forms

We have the need for many similar forms that only differ in one or two fields. We are currently recreating every form from scratch. I'd like to duplicate, change the appropriate field and save.
david langley over 5 years ago in Pressero / Admin / General Settings 1 New Idea

items left in cart tiered email...

I'm glad to see that the email for open carts has been released. However, can we figure out a way to alter the time or duration of the emails that are sent? I believe clients will receive an email ever other day for 2 weeks, that is a lot of email...
Jennifer Thomas 9 months ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Ability to alter template after it has been published onsite

Occasionally instances come up where we need to alter a template for a specific order. We want to keep the main template the same but have the ability to move a text box or make slight adjustments. In the system we used before switching to eDoc th...
Jennifer Thomas 9 months ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Resizing column widths

"Order" and "Job" columns use a lot of space to display only one number
Thomas Barbier almost 4 years ago in PrintJobManager / List View 0 New Idea

Sort Products Alphabetically from Catalog Organization Panel

It would save so much time if we had the option to automatically sort Products alphabetically while in the Catalog Organization panel, or a Site setting to select Alphabetical as default sort order in user view.
Sheli Cordero over 5 years ago in Pressero / General Settings / Products / User Interface 0 New Idea

Test Engine details that include estimated material and processes used should appear in a panel on the Edit Job page

In right panel of Edit Job Calc section: There should be a cost detail panel like the test engine details. So that estimator can see how much the material is without having to hunt for it. Date that the material price was last changed should also ...
Angeles Estrada about 3 years ago in PrintJobManager / Orders 0 New Idea

Ability to edit individual material inventory transactions

Currently, we do not have the ability to edit the transaction after we enter the information.
Angeles Estrada about 3 years ago in PrintJobManager / Inventory & Inventory Tracking 0 New Idea