Pending Orders Filter Updated - All but Do not contain Denied
Need to be able to filter pending orders area with a Does Not Contain Denied or Cancelled so we can see all that are pending either payment or approval at one time. If Denied orders will live in this area forever, then we need to be able to filter...
Add more order detail to XML file: Backorder status of item
Currently, there is no way to tell if an inventoried product is in backorder status. If the XML had that info in it, we could then treat that item differently than a normal order.
Michael Poulin
8 months ago
in Pressero / AWI
New Idea
Have the Site Map match the Catalog Organization structure
I have a site where there is a category which contains sub-categories. Those sub-categories are currently displaying in the Site Map under the --Root Category-- along with all the other categories. I would like those sub-categories to be listed ON... CIM payment method should allow for updating the payment profile for a user
If a user checks out using CIM and later wants to use updated credit-card information, they have to delete the saved payment profile from their CIM on and then checkout using the new card information. says...
The current list displayed to link a Ship Station product to a Pressero product has no method for searching. This means a visual inspection of product list that can be in the hundreds. This makes it like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Working with email templates and there are already a lot of great variables that can be used. However, for my specific use case I found myself wanting to insert the username into the subject line of my email field. The way my store/users are setup...
Add Attributes to Assets & Connect to Calculator Pricing Engine
Add an "attribute" section for the static templates/assets and allow the AWI download to pick specific files to download based on that attribute. Using the Attribute portion of the Calculator Pricing Engine, I would think we should be able to prov...
Creating %USER_NAME% field for production file name
It would be useful if we can assign tflow production files name as follow: %JOB_NAME%_%USER_NAME% where "user name" field is from tflow>Users>User name When tBot download production file, it will hav...
Andrew Lai
about 3 years ago
in tFLOW
In Development
I'd like the ability to add a form/survey to emails. This goes along with the idea of having better capabilities to customize the outgoing emails, both the email designer and the tiered email suggestions that I have asked for in the past.