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Ideas Portal


Showing 489

Multiple vendors on same job

We have projects that are sourced through multiple vendors. Printing done with one vendor, mailing done by the Mail Vendor. We need the ability to track all the vendors being assigned orders. We can somewhat do this if a customer submits a multipa...
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Vendors & Brokers 0 New Idea

Ability for site owners to see "deleted" users on user end

I have some customers who manage their users via the management portal on the user side. However, they are unable to see "deleted" users. This causes an issue when they attempt to create a new user, and they get the not so helpful error message of...
Jim Riddles over 2 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 1 New Idea

Item-Product Usage History

We have run into the question of when was the last time this specific item was ordered? It would be great to have a tab on the Products to be able to list what order number, the order date, the quantity and even the price that this one specific it...
Mitchelle Hall over 2 years ago in Pressero / Products 1 New Idea

Approval status view

In the admin, it would be great if it would display the multiple levels set up for an order and show what approvals have been done and what approvals are pending without having to open the order. Ex. Approvals needed (if 3 levels, display 1,2,3,) ...
Steve Roca about 4 years ago in Pressero 0 New Idea

Allow Payment by other method with orders over a Budget for difference

I thought this one was in this group already but do not see it so I am adding it. We need to allow users to use both Budgeting and a payment method on the same order. We would love to see this where they can choose the amount to come out of the bu...
William Andringa over 2 years ago in Pressero / Budgets & Promotions 1 New Idea

AWI Additional Features

Hello, We would like to request a few improvements to AWI. Let me know if you need them broken out into 1 item per idea. Start Stop button to stop processing. We have large volumes of files and without a stop button it's hard to catch when it is n...
Cynthia Emblem about 4 years ago in Pressero / AWI 0 New Idea

integration sendinblue

integration mailing sendinblue Thanks in advance
Guest about 4 years ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Add Grab shipping method for Vietnam

We do not have any integrated shipping method in Vietnam. As we are exploring Vietnam for sales opportunities, we need to add an integrated Shipping method. I had a discussion with Fujifilm Vietnam team and found that Grab is very popular shipping...
Sumeet Maheshwari over 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Default Product Settings

it would be very useful to have a default product settings like the default user settings.
Henry Wagner over 2 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

multiple order item update

Ability in operator dashboard (orders) to select multiple order items and change status of all at once (without comments) Status would of course only allow workflow status that were common if products have disparate workflow steps.
DJ Montalto over 2 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea