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Stop User from Ordering if they Exceed Budget

We have a print and merchandise storefront that allows our users to purchase via a corporate budget amount OR personal credit card. Based on all of the rules in place in the permissions if we allow budget and credit cards there is a major problem ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Pressero / Approvals & Workflow / Budgets & Promotions / General Settings 0 New Idea

Kitting Functionality NEEDS Work

There is no way to only show the selected kit components in both customer checkout and in the pick list for fulfillment/shipping. Having all components listed when some have a 0 qty is confusing. I see a shipping/kitting nightmare waiting to happe...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Kits 2 New Idea

Giving the option to add multiple documents to one asset

We print books and booklets ondemand and most often, the cover is a separate file from the interior pages. Giving us the ability to add multiple documents to one asset would save us a ton of time and streamline file setup for these specific items.
Tom Murtagh almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Files, Assets, and File Manager 0 New Idea

Reward Points Program

It would be really good if we could have some sort of "rewards point program" that could be deployed for the B2C and B2B stores. This program would capture the a value (dollar amount, number of items, etc) and this could be converted to points (to...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero 1 New Idea

Add more order detail to XML file: Backorder status of item

Currently, there is no way to tell if an inventoried product is in backorder status. If the XML had that info in it, we could then treat that item differently than a normal order.
Michael Poulin 8 months ago in Pressero / AWI 0 New Idea

Improvements to Open Carts

With the release of the dashboard, we have been alerted to a large number (thousands) of open carts across our sites. Currently, you can only see the open carts by viewing each individual site, one at a time. Even then, there is no method to empty...
Jim Riddles over 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

Option to automatically empty cart after specified length of time

I would like to add an option to site settings, probably near the saved for later section, to set a number of days to automatically empty carts after X number of days.
Jim Riddles over 1 year ago in Pressero / Admin 0 New Idea

"User already exists" Account Setup Alert

If a guest user is checking out or if an existing user forgets and tries to set up a new account, it would be nice for there to be an error telling them an account with that email address already exists. Otherwise it just tells you your details co...
Olivia MacLachlan about 4 years ago in Pressero / User Interface 0 New Idea

adding a form/survey to emails

I'd like the ability to add a form/survey to emails. This goes along with the idea of having better capabilities to customize the outgoing emails, both the email designer and the tiered email suggestions that I have asked for in the past.
Jennifer Thomas 8 months ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Admin Pending Area - Inventory Not available - Unable to clear out of list, cancel item or deny item and convert to job

Admin Pending Orders needs some functional improvements. If inventory runs out after checkout, but before approval & converting to order, they are getting stuck in pending indefinitely. The following functions are seriously needed. We are deal...
Cynthia Emblem over 3 years ago in Pressero / Pending Orders 0 New Idea