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Cumulative Pricing for Kits

The ned is to have the QTY selections of the products of a kit add up in the kit Quantity. This applies to apparel, with a kit and Price Breaks. The user could order 1 of one specific size, or a combination of different sizes to get a bulk quantit...
Sean Ellis almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 0 New Idea

Prompt update of eDocBuilder InDesign plugin

It would be tremendously helpful if the eDocBuilder plugin was updated promptly when Adobe releases a new version of InDesign. (Hint, it happens every year). I would prefer that Adobe didn't break plugins with each release, but that is far beyond ...
Jim Riddles almost 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

A Field like Product Location Notes that Is Site-Wide

We use Product Location Notes to store internal information about a product. The field is not visible to the customer, but does appear on the product/order summary reports in the backend (Summary, Job Summary, Item Details, etc.). For specific inf...
Michelle Eaton almost 3 years ago in Pressero / General Settings 0 New Idea

API Reports Download Option

We use the Pressero Order Reports as internal job tickets for web orders, Pick List & Job Detail. We have order downloads all automated via the API except for the downloading of these report files. We're not using AWI, as this would be an addi...
Rodney Jewer almost 5 years ago in Pressero / API 0 New Idea

Custom Profile Field Mapping for Single Sign On

We are coming across more and more B2B instances where advanced user control is needed by the customer during user creation and sign on via the Single Sign on Process. E.g., Determine which location of a franchise to bill based on user data passed...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Users & User Groups 0 New Idea

Add Site Group to Approve Account Request Emails

I'd like to add the site group of a user to the Approve Account Request Emails. Currently, there's no tag for adding the site group. We let users choose a site group when they sign up. We would like the Approver to see the site group alongside the...
Michelle Eaton almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Trimbox management

As of today, eDocbuilder does not manage the trimbox. Would be a great move to add to the tool to ease pre-press processing.
Michael Dupillier almost 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Ability to add Indentation (Interactive Templates)

We really need the ability to add indentation in interactive templates. It's kind of frustrating and surprising this is available in form-based templates and not interactive ones. They should be more flexible.
Irena Ndum almost 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Add Hidden Field to Forms

I would like a new form field that lets us create a form field that is hidden from the customer. So when they place an order and fill out the form on the product page or on checkout, we can have additional information along side the form that we c...
Michelle Eaton almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Misc 0 New Idea

Generate Order after ALL Items have Files Generated

For integrated systems there is a Webhook 'OrderItemFilesGenerated' that fires off after each line item has generated files. We are looking to have an additional webhook added 'ALLOrderItemFilesGenerated'. This would fire only after all line items...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Embedded Services/Integrations 1 New Idea