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Use overprint in eDocBuilder

Originally, overprinting was not supported in eDocBuilder because it was not supported in the ABCPDF Library that eDocBuilder uses. It appears th...
Bart Shafer over 2 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

to see preview in Field Designer of scripted fields

Would liked to see preview of changes while editing scripted fields in Field Designer instead of having to save changes and then go to test template. Testing font size, leading, tracking, etc. is very tedious when having to go back and forth betwe...
Kathleen Cole over 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Customers should be able to delete their file uploads in the designer

We have customers who upload too many files into their project, and then would like to delete for organization. It would be awesome if they could do this.
B Feltz about 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 4 New Idea

Option to flip images horizontal/vertical

It would be great to have flip image horizontally or vertically in Interactive version without having to do this outside the system. We have very large image gallery and some photos need to be flipped for better layout. Thanks!
Irena Ndum almost 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Client side response sets

Save response sets on the client-side, so that an end-user can fill out the information, and be able to use the same information on a different template/product (so long as the fields match), without having to re-enter all the information again. ...
Kelly Mellert over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 3 New Idea

Upload a single multiple page PDF file to flow through a saddle stitch imposition.

It would be nice to allow our users the ability to upload a single multipage PDF file rather then several separate files. For example, a 16 page brochure using an eDoc saddle stitch imposition. Our current eDoc template forces the user to upload 1...
Rodney Jewer almost 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 2 New Idea

Ability to alter template after it has been published onsite

Occasionally instances come up where we need to alter a template for a specific order. We want to keep the main template the same but have the ability to move a text box or make slight adjustments. In the system we used before switching to eDoc th...
Jennifer Thomas 8 months ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Assign color mode to pages in eDoc Builder (4/1, 4/4)

Currently we offer a product that's a 4/1 design online postcard and we want them to be able to upload their logo on the back. The proof shows in full color when it really will be black and white. It would be extremely helpful if you can assign ea...
Melanie Dudor about 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

extract the eDoc template information to a report

This information will help everyone who is looking for all of the data in the edoc template. Example: A customer wants to know the name, address, title, etc their users are entering and generating on their business cards.
Guest over 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Spell Check for Form Based Templates

It would be helpful to have spell check for open fields in form based templates. It would decrease errors we sometimes see. It's definitely something clients have asked for in conjunction with character count. Thank you!
Irena Ndum about 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea