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Shipstation: Add the product image from the order in the information sent to Shipstation

Shipstation: Add the product image from the order in the information sent to Shipstation so that the image can appear on the pick list and reports on that side
Bart Shafer about 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Click and Collect

When we have a shipping method type, "Store pickup", the shipping address of the user profile is displayed on the checkout/shipping page. To make the user experience better and not confuse the print buyer, it would be helpful that the address ...
Antonio Rosania about 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 3 New Idea

Shipping weights on order documents

Getting accurate shipping costs with integrated shipping is a challenge. It is made even more difficult because Pressero does not show the weight used to calculate the shipping charges. Please include the weights in the order reports so that we ...
Bill Casey about 5 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines / Shipping 2 New Idea

Shipping Integration

How about an integration with XPO Shipping? Since the demise of Yellow Freight, XPO is among the leaders in the USA for LTL Freight shipping. I notice there are MANY integrations for other countries, but it seems that we here in the USA are limite...
Bob Gardner 7 months ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Create USPS Media Mail Option for USPSV2 Carrier

Please ensure that the USPS Media Mail option is available to the new USPSV2 Carrier. This is an option that was once available for the older USPS carrier integration but is not available in the most recent one.
Dave Voght almost 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Add an "Attn:" or "Ship to name" field to the shopping cart.

BUMP: I submitted this idea in 2019. Says "to be reviewed". Still desperately need this functionality for multiple sites. By adding this field, you would allow the customer to ship to multiple names at the same address easily. The idea is that the...
Scott Hillbrand over 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Retrieve Correct Shipping Rates for Residential Addresses

When setting up a shipping method there is currently a checkbox to retrieve residential rates.  This is a problem for us because we don't know if the address is a residence or not for some of our customers.  They allow their users to add...
Jim Riddles about 5 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 6 New Idea

Ability to pull in shipping costs via ShipStation for non-integrated shipping method orders

We extract data from Pressero twice a month in order to do billing for our storefront website. Having the actual shipping costs pulled in per order is crucial for proper reimbursement. Having to manually enter the shipping cost for each and every ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Local delivery Option for Ship Station

Add local delivery "Ship Station" under Carrier in Shipping Methods for Ship Station. This way I can have both local delivery and UPS in Ship Station and not have 2 different workflow. It is possible and the required part of json is below............
Mike Taubel almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 1 New Idea

Free Shipping if going to a Specific Address

I'm looking for a way to enable free shipping if going to a specific address, not just a general zone.
Guest over 4 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 2 New Idea