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Status New Idea
Workspace Pressero
Created by Dave Voght
Created on Jul 20, 2022

Remove boss assignment from other Site User's accounts when Boss Site User is Deactivated

In a scenario where a Site User is setup as a "Boss" for another user it is possible that in the future this "Boss" Site User may be deactivated. Currently, when this happens if that Site User was designated to be a "Boss" for another user - that Site User's account will still have the "Boss" assigned even though the user has been deleted/deactivated.

While it is possible to export a list of Site Users, replace the Boss with another user and reimport the entire list of users - there could be ways to improve upon this because it is possible to ignore or forget this step or not necessarily know that you are removing a boss. If nothing is changed, if there are approval plans assigned that require the boss - orders placed by these users will not have anyone to approve them since the original "Boss" was removed.

Please review this process and see if there is a method that can improve upon this - making it so that in cases where the boss is removed - this will not inadvertently remove the ability for approvers to have visibility into these orders.

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