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Response Sets working together with Protected Fields

We created a template for a bank that have more than 1000 branches all over the country, each one with its own name, address and phone numbers - Response Sets is the best solution to manage those information as it can be done using Excel sheet, which turns future updates very easy to do, avoiding the setup and update of large drop down lists within the template.

We're effectively filling 4 fields using Response Sets, but it's mandatory to block any field's changing attempt by the users. I already tried to mark those fields as protected - the best choice in my opinion - but when they're protected, they don't receive data from the Response Set.

I kindly ask you to update the Reponse Set behaviour to accept working together with Protected Fields. For small lists, drop down fields are perfect. But when we have a lot of information like these (1000+ registers), it becomes impossible to manage using drop down lists. 

Sincerely, Alisson Salles.

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    • Mike Taubel
      Jan 25, 2023

      Agree, there is also a problem with auto fill from the browsers changing the fields too. Looking forward to seeing something like this where the fields are hidden from the user or locked from being changed.

    • Cynthia Emblem
      Aug 28, 2019

      This is a much needed. Defeats the purpose to have response field populate the fields only so that the client could still accidentally change it.