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Master Template for bulk changes to Child Templates

We need the ability to have a "Master Template" to which you could make bulk changes to all the related child templates. See Ticket# [2BF-249E9BEB-0A4C]
Kelly Mellert over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

I would like a date picker control on eDocBuilder fields

It would be nice to have an input control option for eDocBuilder that displayed a date picker control on a field. Like a popup calendar. It is possible to get a date from user input using the method below, but we would like an actual calendar cont...
Bart Shafer about 3 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Allow us to bind an e-mail notification to a newly created status, instead of locking them to preexisting status we may never use

Title We cannot inform our clients that their order are 1. Being processed 2. Was expedited 3. Was canceled. This seems a rather important oversight ! There should simply have a menu in "workflow => statut" saying "would you like to send a noti...
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

tFLOW jobs not organized numerically

Is there a way we can have the numerals for jobs organized so it can be in order from 1, 2, 3, etc to 10, 11, 12? Currently how the numbers organize is 10, 1, 12, 13..etc to 19, 2, 20, 21. It would be more efficient for us to have the tFLOW files ...
Debera Kuntz about 3 years ago in tFLOW 0 New Idea

Be able to easily see what product engines a material and a production process are assigned to.

It would be helpful if there was an easy way to see what product engines are using each material and each production process.
Guest 10 months ago in PrintJobManager / Product Engines 0 New Idea

Show the materials in a material category

We can see what material categories a material is assigned to but we cant see what materials are assigned to a material category easily. It would be helpful if we could click on the material category and a list of the materials assigned to that ca...
Guest 10 months ago in PrintJobManager / Materials 0 New Idea

Ability to have site-level pricing engines in addition to system-wide

I would like the ability to create pricing engines that are only within a site, rather than having to place them all in the system-wide pricing area. The primary reason for this is the limited character count on the name of the pricing engines cou...
Jim Riddles almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 1 New Idea

Enable each thumbnail (and the page control) of the template to be named.

Examples, "Front", "Back". Or, "Cover", "Inside Cover", "Inside Back", "Back. Cover". Or, "Cover", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", etc.
Guest over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 New Idea

Add L and R side arrows (in addition to clicking the thumbnails) to move from page to page

Side arrows are a common UI for moving from one picture/page to the next.
Guest over 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 1 Will not implement

Don't have all forms email to the same people

I have some forms i want to go to group A and other forms i want to go to group BCD. Can't do it.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea