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Adding estimated arrival date next to the shipping options so that the client can make a better choice on which method to choose.

We have a lot of clients that need their order by a specific date and want to know when they can expect it to be delivered. The shipping method that they choose determines this. Is there a way to see the expected delivery date next to the shipping...
Jennifer Thomas over 4 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 0 New Idea

Ability to have site-level pricing engines in addition to system-wide

I would like the ability to create pricing engines that are only within a site, rather than having to place them all in the system-wide pricing area. The primary reason for this is the limited character count on the name of the pricing engines cou...
Jim Riddles almost 4 years ago in Pressero / Pricing Engines 1 New Idea

Allow us to bind an e-mail notification to a newly created status, instead of locking them to preexisting status we may never use

Title We cannot inform our clients that their order are 1. Being processed 2. Was expedited 3. Was canceled. This seems a rather important oversight ! There should simply have a menu in "workflow => statut" saying "would you like to send a noti...
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Don't have all forms email to the same people

I have some forms i want to go to group A and other forms i want to go to group BCD. Can't do it.
Guest about 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

Build custom order summary reports/job tickets

It would be great if we could build a custom Job Ticket Report or edit the default reports to include the information that would be most helpful. We need a custom delivery slip for customer's to sign when picking up an order or when we deliver our...
Guest over 2 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

View history of changes on the system

If someone changes a setting on the site, it would be a very good idea to see who made the change and when.
Guest about 4 years ago in Pressero / Admin 2 New Idea

Back Order Notifications

The user should be notified in their order confirmation that the item they ordered is out of stock and their item has been placed on back order.
Guest about 4 years ago in Pressero / Email Notifications 0 New Idea

List of orders where promotion code was used

When I view a promotion code I would like the system to display a list of the orders where that promotion code was used. Much like when you view a pricing engine and it shows which products use that pricing engine.
Jim Riddles about 4 years ago in Pressero / Budgets & Promotions 0 New Idea

Allow addition of an Attention line on the Shopping Cart page.

I am bringing many clients over from another online provider. These customers are primarily using the sites for business card orders. These orders are often for new employees of my client, and most of them ship the product to the name on an eDoc b...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Pressero / Checkout & Cart 1 New Idea

Shipping: Add Option to Ship As Group or Individually

Would like the ability to offer a choice to the user to ship as a group or individually.
Lisa Thompson over 2 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea