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Ability to view Email Notification History like in Pressero.

It would be very helpful to see email notification history in PJM. The resend button would also be a plus.
Angeles Estrada about 4 years ago in PrintJobManager / General Settings 0 New Idea

Ability to see adjust who can receive an email notification like in Pressero.

In Pressero, you can select which users (under each user profile) or user groups can receive an email notification. We need this ability in PJM.
Angeles Estrada about 4 years ago in PrintJobManager / General Settings 0 New Idea

Add more job level tags to all email templates

The email templates for estimates, order acknowledgement and acknowledge payment do not have "tags" that pull job level information. We need to be able to show the client the job name, job price, job custom fields, job quantity (in payment acknowl...
Angeles Estrada about 4 years ago in PrintJobManager / General Settings 1 New Idea

Change the shape of an uploaded image -Interactive Templates

There should be an option to create image shapes other than rectangle. We've had requests by users to add a round image field in interactive templates.
Irena Ndum about 5 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

Low resolution warning in Edocbuilder

This feature has always been confusing. I believe there is a calculation created to determine if an uploaded image is not good enough quality. I have changed all of my Edocs templates to the lowest resolution possible because even if their images ...
Guest over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 0 New Idea

PROOF download needs to be LOW RESOLUTION

Currently when clients download their proof after creating artwork they only have a choice of a PREVIEW PROOF OR DOWNLOAD PROOF, they are both the same which is unecessary. People would prefer a LOW resolution proof option. The current file can ha...
Guest over 4 years ago in eDocBuilder 2 New Idea

Add Grab shipping method for Vietnam

We do not have any integrated shipping method in Vietnam. As we are exploring Vietnam for sales opportunities, we need to add an integrated Shipping method. I had a discussion with Fujifilm Vietnam team and found that Grab is very popular shipping...
Sumeet Maheshwari over 3 years ago in Pressero / Shipping 0 New Idea

Default Product Settings

it would be very useful to have a default product settings like the default user settings.
Henry Wagner over 2 years ago in Pressero / Products 0 New Idea

multiple order item update

Ability in operator dashboard (orders) to select multiple order items and change status of all at once (without comments) Status would of course only allow workflow status that were common if products have disparate workflow steps.
DJ Montalto over 2 years ago in Pressero / Orders - Orders List View 0 New Idea

List view needs category

Please add the category to the asset list view so the list can be filtered by category
Henry Wagner over 2 years ago in Pressero / Files, Assets, and File Manager 0 New Idea